What Impactful Changes Have You Recommended to Clients to Improve Their Operations?


    What Impactful Changes Have You Recommended to Clients to Improve Their Operations?

    In the quest for operational excellence, we've gathered insights from Operations Managers to CEOs, asking them for that one game-changing recommendation they've given to clients. From implementing RACI for enhanced efficiency to adopting VPS for Forex trading efficiency, explore these twenty-three transformative strategies that have propelled businesses forward.

    • Implement RACI for Enhanced Efficiency
    • Switch to Webflow for Website Performance
    • Introduce Time Tracking for Business Alignment
    • Delegate Bookkeeping for Business Growth
    • Adopt Four-Day Workweek for Efficiency
    • Use Generative AI for Operational Revolution
    • Employ NLP in Email Marketing Strategy
    • Streamline Processes to Save Money
    • Overhaul Social Media for Customer Engagement
    • Automate Workflows in SharePoint for Efficiency
    • Upgrade Network Infrastructure for Reliability
    • Transition to DEF System for Sustainability
    • Refresh Content for Improved Online Presence
    • Optimize Local SEO for Increased Foot Traffic
    • Enhance Inventory Management for Profitability
    • Facilitate Digital Integration for Scholastic's Growth
    • Adopt CRM for Personalized Marketing Success
    • Segment Email Campaigns for Higher Conversions
    • Leverage Strengths to Overcome Procrastination
    • Optimize Hosting for Improved Website Sales
    • Streamline Contract Processes for Business Agility
    • Integrate Energy Storage with Solar Panels
    • Adopt VPS for Forex Trading Efficiency

    Implement RACI for Enhanced Efficiency

    RACI processes were one major improvement I suggested to a client to improve their operational efficiency. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed, or RACI, integration allowed us to map and pinpoint process gaps and make cooperation scopes clearer within their matrix structure. For my customer, an import and commercialization company, this approach worked especially well; their operations improved noticeably. The company doubled its sales volume with the same number of employees because of better communication and defined roles. They also lowered customs fines and raised their client fill rate, which greatly increased their overall profitability and operational effectiveness.

    Rodrigo Garcia Rojas Celorio
    Rodrigo Garcia Rojas CelorioOperations Manager, Garoce

    Switch to Webflow for Website Performance

    One of the biggest changes I recommended to a client was to switch to a more robust content management system (CMS). The client was struggling with managing their website content efficiently and was facing several issues, including slow page load times, poor user experience, and a high bounce rate. After conducting an in-depth analysis of their website, we recommended the client switch to a Webflow CMS that was better suited for their needs and offered advanced features like caching, CDN integration, and optimized code. The client agreed to our recommendation, and we helped them migrate their website to Webflow. Within a few weeks, we noticed a significant improvement in their website's performance, and the client reported a drastic reduction in bounce rate and an increase in user engagement.

    Tom Molnar
    Tom MolnarOperations Manager, Fit Design

    Introduce Time Tracking for Business Alignment

    Tracking time.

    This client was always "busy" and always doing work. But the small team (split between software development and technical services tasks) wasn't tracking what they were working on in detail. Implementing tracking and analyzing it after just two weeks led to discussions about urgency, importance, and value of work items.

    This was a fundamental change that allowed this client to forecast, plan, and ensure proper coverage that is aligned with their business goals.

    Chad Bellin
    Chad BellinCo-Founder, Disca

    Delegate Bookkeeping for Business Growth

    A client of mine was still partially involved in their bookkeeping and accounting when they started working with us at EcomBalance. We were in the process of taking over all of his bookkeeping work, but he was still involved and not letting go of the process.

    I politely recommended that he take some time away from it and trust that we could get the work completed for him, at an even higher level than he could if he were doing it himself (he isn't a bookkeeper or accountant). He took my advice and stepped away to focus on other areas of his business.

    Months into the relationship, he now never worries about his bookkeeping and accounting. It gets completed each month and sent along to him for review. He spends his time focused on other areas of growing the business where he is more passionate and has more experience. A big win for him and his business.

    Connor Gillivan
    Connor GillivanEntrepreneur, Owner & CMO, TrioSEO

    Adopt Four-Day Workweek for Efficiency

    We recently advised a client to adopt a four-day workweek, and the results were remarkable. By focusing on productivity rather than hours, employees became more efficient and engaged. This shift boosted morale and reduced burnout, leading to a happier, healthier workplace.

    The change also had a positive impact on the company’s operations. With one less day in the office each week, overhead costs decreased. Energy consumption dropped, and with fewer commutes, the company’s carbon footprint was reduced, aligning with their commitment to sustainability.

    Not only that, the extra day off allowed employees to spend more time with family, pursue hobbies, and rest, which translated into better work performance. The company saw a surge in creativity and problem-solving abilities, proving that a well-rested team is a more innovative one.

    Phil McParlane
    Phil McParlaneFounder & CEO, 4DayWeekJobs

    Use Generative AI for Operational Revolution

    As the founder of Aioli, an AI education and consultancy firm specializing in the food industry, I've seen firsthand how generative AI can revolutionize operations. One of the most substantial improvements I've helped clients achieve is by identifying their day-to-day bottlenecks and implementing tailored AI solutions.

    For example, a mid-sized food manufacturer was struggling with inconsistent product descriptions and slow content creation for their e-commerce site. By training them on AI-powered content generation tools and developing a customized workflow, we were able to streamline their processes. The AI assistant could quickly generate product descriptions, allowing the marketing team to focus on strategic tasks. As a result, they saw a 40% increase in efficiency and a 25% boost in online sales within three months.

    The key to success is education and practical application. I work closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and educate them on the potential of generative AI. Together, we craft intelligent workflows that integrate AI seamlessly into their operations, enabling them to overcome bottlenecks and drive growth.

    To implement this in your own business, start by identifying repetitive, time-consuming tasks that hinder productivity. Research AI tools specific to your industry and invest in training your team. Embrace an iterative approach, continuously refining your AI-powered processes based on data and feedback. By leveraging generative AI strategically, you can future-proof your operations and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

    Meg Faibisch Kuhn
    Meg Faibisch KuhnFounder, Aioli

    Employ NLP in Email Marketing Strategy

    A recent client, a software consulting startup in Columbus, Ohio, was encountering a major hurdle with their email marketing efforts. They were sending high volumes of automated emails daily, yet open rates remained disappointingly low. This significantly hampered their ability to generate leads and secure new business.

    To address this challenge, I recommended a strategic shift towards content-driven email marketing. We employed principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to craft compelling subject lines, email bodies, calls to action, and sign-offs. NLP emphasizes the power of language to influence perception and behavior.

    The results were impressive, and positive change materialized within a short timeframe. Within a week, the client observed a significant 15% increase in email open rates. This translated into a surge of direct responses, increased website traffic, and ultimately, a rise in new business inquiries.

    For businesses facing similar struggles, my key advice is to prioritize content—particularly subject lines—within your email marketing strategy. A/B testing different subject lines allows you to measure and optimize for the most impactful messaging. In this case, leveraging NLP principles proved to be a successful approach for my client. However, the most effective strategy may vary depending on your unique audience and industry.

    By focusing on crafting engaging content that resonates with your target audience, you can significantly improve email open rates and, ultimately, drive business growth.

    Jake Stahl
    Jake StahlCEO, Jake Stahl Consulting

    Streamline Processes to Save Money

    Several years ago, we took on a client who presented us with a comprehensive overview of their business challenges. The company suffered from a hemorrhaging bottom line, an overstaffed customer service department, and a deteriorating customer experience. While some might have resorted to cutting the workforce to alleviate the financial strain, the customer service team couldn't keep up with the demand.

    My approach, however, entails digging deeper than surface observations. Rather than taking anyone's word for it, I inquired into the intricacies of the situation. We unearthed the underlying issues, streamlined cumbersome processes, and eliminated manual workarounds. In doing so, we inadvertently rescued the business from financial peril, slashing costs by a staggering $3 million—that's more than a 30% savings in less than a year.

    What initially seemed like a personnel dilemma turned out to be rooted in flawed processes. Our intervention transformed the trajectory of the company indefinitely.

    Amanda Russo
    Amanda RussoFounder & CEO, Cornerstone Paradigm Consulting, LLC

    Overhaul Social Media for Customer Engagement

    In our digital agency's extensive experience, targeted social-media engagement has consistently catalyzed operational improvement. For a client in the retail sector struggling with brand visibility and customer engagement, we recommended a strategic overhaul of their social media tactics. This involved precise audience analysis and creating content tailored to their specific demographic's preferences and behaviors.

    The shift to a more targeted approach elevated their social media presence and led to a measurable increase in customer interactions and conversions. By focusing on creating relevant and engaging content, the client was able to connect more effectively with their audience, resulting in increased traffic to their digital platforms and a significant boost in sales. This single change solidified their market position and enhanced overall operational efficiency.

    Shane McEvoy
    Shane McEvoyMD, Flycast Media

    Automate Workflows in SharePoint for Efficiency

    One significant change I recommended to a client that resulted in substantial improvement in their operations was implementing an automated workflow in SharePoint. By streamlining their manual processes and automating repetitive tasks, the client was able to significantly reduce operational inefficiencies and errors.

    With the new system in place, tasks that previously took hours to complete were now done in minutes, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. Additionally, the automated workflows ensured consistency and accuracy across all operations, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing overall productivity.

    The outcome of this change was remarkable. Not only did the client experience a noticeable increase in operational efficiency and cost savings, but they also saw improvements in customer satisfaction due to faster response times and fewer errors in their services.

    This example underscores the transformative power of technology and strategic recommendations in driving operational excellence and business success.

    Cache Merrill
    Cache MerrillFounder, Zibtek

    Upgrade Network Infrastructure for Reliability

    In my considerable experience with TechTrone IT Services, one effective change we implemented involved upgrading a client's network infrastructure, directly impacting their operational efficiency. A NYC-based retail store was experiencing frequent call drops and poor voice quality due to outdated network hardware. After a thorough assessment, we proposed a comprehensive network upgrade, which included the installation of a new router/firewall, managed switches, and wireless access points, along with an optimized VLAN configuration for various data types, enhancing operational speed and reliability.

    The technical implementation particularly involved setting up a UDM Pro device, two UniFi 24-Port Managed Switches, and three UniFi AP AC PRO Access Points, segmented into five distinct VLANs for Data, Voice, Guest, IoT, and CCTV. We implemented Quality of Service (QoS) measures to prioritize VoIP and video traffic, crucial for improving voice quality and data transmission efficacy. Additionally, a failover cellular internet connection was integrated to ensure network reliability even during potential downtimes.

    The results were substantial; the client experienced a major improvement in voice quality and system reliability, enhancing customer interaction and internal communications. Furthermore, the new infrastructure led to reduced maintenance costs and future-proofed the client's network, allowing for easy scalability and integration of advanced capabilities as business needs evolve. This reinforced the critical impact of modernizing essential infrastructure to support and enhance daily business operations.

    Remon Elsayea
    Remon ElsayeaIT Consultant, Techtrone

    Transition to DEF System for Sustainability

    One of the most significant changes we suggested at Fuel Logic was to advise a major logistics client to transition from traditional diesel fuel to a more efficient DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) system. The goal was to improve fuel efficiency and emissions reduction, which aligns with more recent environmental legislation.

    By incorporating DEF, our client significantly reduced NOx emissions from their vehicles. This brought them in line with environmental standards and resulted in a 5% improvement in fuel economy. For a fleet operating across the country, this was a critical improvement that resulted in significant cost savings and an improved environmental impact.

    Not only did this strategic change improve operational performance, but it also raised the client’s corporate responsibility profile, showing their dedication to sustainability. The client’s stakeholders and customers' positive feedback highlighted the benefits of considering environmental impact in operational decision-making, reinforcing Fuel Logic as a trusted partner in pioneering fuel management solutions.

    Eliot Vancil
    Eliot VancilCEO, Fuel Logic

    Refresh Content for Improved Online Presence

    One impactful change I've recommended to clients is the strategic refreshing of existing content. Given the accelerated content lifecycle and increased competition online, regularly updating content ensures it remains relevant and performs well in search engine rankings.

    This involves not only updating facts and figures but also aligning the content with current user intent and SEO best practices. By continuously reviewing and optimizing content, one of my clients saw a notable improvement in their SERP positions, which directly enhanced their overall digital presence and user engagement.

    Marco Genaro Palma
    Marco Genaro PalmaFreelance CMO and SEO Consultant, GenaroPalma.com

    Optimize Local SEO for Increased Foot Traffic

    In my role specializing in local SEO, reputation management, and paid advertising, one particularly impactful change I recommended was for a local retail client. They were seeing minimal foot traffic despite an ideal location and a respectable product offering. After reviewing their operations and current marketing efforts, I noticed that their online presence was minimal and not optimized for local search.

    I advised them to focus on local SEO, ensuring their business was correctly listed and prominently featured in local directories, especially Google My Business. We optimized their listing with up-to-date information, engaging photos of their store and products, and actively encouraged customer reviews to enhance their reputation.

    The results were outstanding. Within three months, the client observed a 70% increase in store visits attributed directly to online searches, and a significant uptick in customer interactions via online reviews. This clearly demonstrated how crucial a well-managed local online presence is for drawing physical traffic to a business, which in turn substantially bolstered their operations.

    Steven Morse
    Steven MorseOwner, SEM by Design

    Enhance Inventory Management for Profitability

    One of my top recommendations to a client was to enhance their inventory management system. This particular client was facing many issues, such as stock shortages, overstocking, and inaccurate inventory tracking. As a result, they were losing money due to excess inventory or missed sales opportunities.

    To address these problems, I suggested implementing an automated inventory management system that would track inventory levels in real time and provide accurate data for decision-making. This system also allowed for better forecasting of demand, which helped the client order just the right amount of products to meet customer needs without overstocking.

    As a result, the client saw a significant improvement in their operations, with reduced costs and increased sales. They were able to streamline their inventory processes and reduce human errors, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

    Evan Tunis
    Evan TunisPresident, Florida Healthcare Insurance

    Facilitate Digital Integration for Scholastic's Growth

    In my extensive experience steering digital transformations at RCDM Studio, one pivotal recommendation led to transformative operational improvements for Scholastic Book Clubs. They needed to shift their traditionally mail-order-based business model entirely online. The challenge was monumental: migrating without disrupting their core operations.

    Recognizing the complexity and scale of the task, I recommended a holistic digital integration strategy. Key to this approach was a week-long joint application development meeting involving all stakeholders—across Book Clubs, Customer Service, Fulfillment, IT, and Internet Groups. This inclusive strategy facilitated comprehensive input and buy-in, crucial for the seamless integration of diverse systems.

    The outcome was striking. By meticulously planning the integration and fostering a collaborative environment during development, Scholastic Book Clubs not only retained their operational fluency during the transition but also achieved a remarkable 25% year-on-year growth in sales within two years post-implementation. This experience underscores the effectiveness of adopting an inclusive, stakeholder-engaged approach in managing complex digital transitions, ensuring business continuity, and driving growth in the process.

    Richard Carey
    Richard CareyFounder, RCDM Studio

    Adopt CRM for Personalized Marketing Success

    As a marketing consultant, I identified a major gap in a client's strategy: They weren't leveraging customer data effectively for personalized marketing. I recommended that they adopt a customer relationship management (CRM) system tailored to their needs, enabling them to segment their audience and tailor communications based on customer behavior and preferences.

    The implementation of this CRM system allowed for more targeted and relevant marketing campaigns, resulting in a higher engagement rate. Their email open rates and click-through rates doubled, and the overall conversion rate increased by 18%. This single change not only enhanced their marketing effectiveness but also deepened customer relationships and loyalty.

    Gideon Ruben
    Gideon RubenCEO, Your IAQ

    Segment Email Campaigns for Higher Conversions

    For an e-commerce client struggling with high customer acquisition costs and low repeat purchase rates, I recommended focusing intensely on segmented email marketing campaigns. By analyzing their customer data, we identified distinct buyer personas and tailored email content to match each group's interests, purchase history, and browsing habits. This approach not only deepened their understanding of customer needs but significantly boosted open rates and conversions. Personalizing communication led to a noticeable increase in customer engagement and loyalty, directly impacting their bottom line by elevating both sales and the Customer Lifetime Value. This strategy turned their email marketing from a generic outreach tool into a powerful engine for sustainable growth.

    Valentin Radu
    Valentin RaduCEO & Founder, Blogger, Speaker, Podcaster, Omniconvert

    Leverage Strengths to Overcome Procrastination

    Procrastination stalls success.

    When people hesitate, they're often unsure why. Delays conceal deeper reasons, yet many fail to explore beneath the surface. The first thing I do is to help my clients discover their true strengths—the things that come naturally to them.

    Next, we uncover tasks that drive them crazy, create self-doubt, or they simply lack interest in. These are the gaps that stall success.

    My client, Dan, was stuck on a new project that could repeatedly produce five figures. He had a lot of ideas but never wrote them down to craft a system. He was stressed out for weeks, frustrated, and wondering what was stopping him.

    After he realized his natural strengths and applied them to developing a system, he created an outline in one night that moved his project forward.

    He was so intrigued that he had his partner discover her true strengths. After they reviewed each other's results, they uncovered a critical hole in their business.

    A gap that neither had the strengths nor the desire to fill. So, they promoted a person in their business who could successfully close this gap.

    Dan said it changed the future of his business. Success doesn't wait for procrastination. Dig deeper to find out what's holding you back.

    Deb Monfette
    Deb MonfetteCreator of Mindful Attraction Marketing, iMatter Marketing

    Optimize Hosting for Improved Website Sales

    We once had a client at Innovate who was struggling with slow website loading times, which was really hurting their online sales. After reviewing their site, we recommended they switch to a more robust hosting solution that was better suited for e-commerce sites like theirs. We also optimized their website images and streamlined their code.

    This single change made a huge difference. Their site speed improved dramatically, which not only boosted their sales but also improved their search engine rankings since speed is a big factor in SEO. The client was thrilled with the results—faster load times led to happier customers and more sales. It’s a good reminder of how sometimes, one technical tweak can completely turn things around.

    Daniel Bunn
    Daniel BunnManaging Director, Innovate Agency

    Streamline Contract Processes for Business Agility

    In my practice as a business-focused attorney, I once advised a client, a medium-sized manufacturing firm, on streamlining their contract processes. Initially, they had a cumbersome system that involved multiple approvals and redundant steps, which delayed responses and led to missed opportunities. Based on my legal and business leadership experience, I identified that simplifying their contract templates and centralizing the approval process could significantly enhance their efficiency.

    After implementing the changes, the company reduced the contract turnaround time by almost 50%. This adjustment allowed them to respond quicker to market opportunities and negotiate better terms, which significantly boosted their operational efficiency and competitive edge. The change not only improved their internal workflows but also positively impacted their relationships with clients and suppliers by enabling faster and more reliable service.

    This experience underscored the importance of understanding and re-engineering internal processes in alignment with the business's operational goals. Effective legal structuring is not merely about compliance or risk management; it's also about facilitating business agility and growth. By tailoring legal frameworks to better support business operations, companies can achieve substantial improvements in performance and efficiency.

    David Greiner, Esq.
    David Greiner, Esq.Owner, Greiner Law Corp

    Integrate Energy Storage with Solar Panels

    In my role as President and Owner of Sunergy Solutions LLC, focusing on renewable energy solutions, one impactful change I recommended to a commercial client was to integrate advanced energy-storage solutions alongside their new solar panel installation. This particular client, a manufacturing facility in Rhode Island, faced significant operational disruptions due to frequent power outages and high energy demands, especially during peak production periods.

    By implementing a dual approach of solar panels with an energy-storage system, we enabled them to not only generate their own power but also to store excess energy for use during peak times or outages. This change resulted in a 50% reduction in their reliance on grid-supplied electricity, significantly decreasing their operational costs and enhancing their sustainability profile.

    This example underscores the importance of looking beyond traditional energy setups and considering integrated solutions that address specific operational challenges. For businesses looking to enhance operational efficiency and sustainability, I recommend evaluating not just energy creation, but also storage and management solutions, to ensure maximal resilience and cost-effectiveness.

    Robert Raffa
    Robert RaffaSolar Consultant, Sunergy Solutions LLC

    Adopt VPS for Forex Trading Efficiency

    I recommended a forex trading client adopt cloud-based Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to significantly enhance their trading execution speed. This change minimized latency, allowing for faster trade execution and improved reliability, essential in the rapidly changing forex market. The shift not only reduced their operational downtime but also increased their customer satisfaction as trades were executed more efficiently. By moving to a more secure and scalable infrastructure, the client saw a marked improvement in their operational efficiency. This advice came from my understanding of both the technical and strategic aspects of forex trading, drawing from my personal commitment to using technology to solve real-world trading problems.

    Ace Zhuo
    Ace ZhuoBusiness Development Director (Sales and Marketing), Tech & Finance Expert, TradingFXVPS